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Yes, M'Lady

Looking at Thunderbirds the other day, reminded me of the old joke:

LadyP: Parker.

NosyP: Yes, M'Lady?

LadyP: Remove my dress.

NosyP: Yes, M'Lady.

LadyP: Now, remove my slip.

NosyP: Yes, M'Lady.

LadyP: Remove my shoes.

NosyP: Yes, M'Lady.

LadyP: Now, remove my stockings.

NosyP: Yes, M'Lady.

LadyP: And if you must wear my clothes, ask first.

NosyP: Yes, M'Lady.

Silly, I know, but I love silly jokes. Especially ones where no one is the butt.

Dressing up in ladies things is not my thing. We're all different, aren't we? But these games are like a fast flowing river; once you get in, you can easily be swept away.