Being a sissy is great, and it's time to celebrate the girly benefits for beauty. Tight pants may have become in vogue for women and men. Some men can get by with a slight bit of make-up. With the right form, they can even pass unnoticed wearing a woman's shirt. But bright, shiny, long nails? Only for girls. Men are stuck with the dregs of short, stubby nails with - if they're lucky - black or dark blue nail polish as part of some punk theme.
A lot of sissies are keen on bright red and french manicure (naked + white tips) styles. Those can be great, but I feel like they're a bit old-fashioned (and it's important that sissies keep up to date with fashionable trends). My favorites are actually blues. Maybe it's the irony, maybe it's the fact that light blue used to be a color for girls, but it's always been my favorite (and what guy would wear metallic sky blue nail polish?). Although, pink is close second.
Whatever your favorite color: It's time to show your fingers a bit of appreciation.

Time to pick out your favorite nail polish (or time to get a 'gift' for your 'sister' if you're a bit of a closet sissy).
Now you're going to give yourself an immaculate manicure. Wipe off the brush as it comes out of bottle, dab it at the back of your nail so the polish spreads to your cuticle and then swipe the brush out to the tip. Do it for every nail on both hands. A lot of nail polish looks a bit 'translucent' with just one coat, so make sure they look perfect. Make sure you have amazingly smooth nails with no residue on your cuticles or the skin around your nails. I'm sure you've done this plenty of times before, sissy.
Now the actual assignment: You need to take a picture of your nails and post it online or share it with someone.
There's no reason to be afraid, sissy. No one will recognize you by your hands (of course, you can include more in the picture if you want). You can share it with someone you know or anonymous people online (or even with me). If you don't have an actual camera, then it's time to be a bit more daring and use the camera on your phone or a webcam screen capture. If you don't have any of those things, then it's time to take a stroll outside wearing your nail polish; its the 21st century, sissy and you have the internet—there's no reason you shouldn't have a camera.
Show the world your beautiful, feminine nails, sissy!
(Remember sissy: By e-mailing me a picture you are giving me irrevocable consent to display it, so don't be surprised if it shows up here.)