It's still January, so you still have time to decide on a sissy resolution for the year. There are plenty of good ones. If you have the hair for it, growing it out is always a great option. Getting a little bit more femme by plucking your eyebrows also provides a good long-term investment in your girliness. But here are some other ideas to help with your feminization and sissification:
1. Give up the sugary drinks and snacks.
Nothing is harder on your figure than soda, sweetened tea and super sweet energy drinks. They're a lot of empty calories you don't need and prevent you from looking your best. So start replacing your drinks with water, (soy) milk, coffee or tea (fennel or spearmint tea in particular might be useful for sissies seeking a little "enhancement").
Giving up soda cold turkey can be difficult; you may need to ween yourself off of the sweetened drinks by allowing yourself a treat when you complete a goal (or just one for the weekend). Not buying the drinks in the first place is the safest way to make sure you don't accidentally relapse. But if you can hold off completely you'll be on your way to a slimmer, healthier body for your inner sissy. And of course, the money you save could go to a nice dress or that perfect pair of shoes...
2. Buy a chastity cage.
A chastity cage for your clitty is a great investment. It lets you play risk/reward games with yourself and, more importantly, helps you avoid the unwarranted shame and doubt that often creeps in whenever a sissy cums. As a bonus for cum-loving sissies, holding off on masturbation for 2-3 days will make sure you have a nice big surprise waiting when (or if :D ) you do get the chance to cum.
It may be difficult to wear a chastity cage for prolonged periods at first, but after a few times for a couple hours and then a couple days you'll be on your way to a hornier, girlier you. If you don't have someone to hang onto your key for you, freezing it into a block of ice always helps keep you honest.
3. Start wearing a bra for the whole day at least once per week
That's right - lift and support. From the start of your day until you hop into bed, you'll wear a bra for the whole day at least once per week. The kind of bra is up to you (it is your resolution after all): wonder bras, sports bras, push-up bras... Your choice of style is almost as limitless as your choice of color and material.

Still got most of your sissy-ness hidden away in a closet? Unless you're wearing white shirts and planning on getting wet you've got nothing to worry about (especially with a slim, tight fitting sports bra). In terms of "easy to hide", most sissies think panties or pantyhose are the safest option. But ask yourself this: How many plumbers cracks have you seen on an average day? And compare that to how many bare shoulders you have seen. Unless you're spending an awful lot of time at the beach, you'll notice that you never really see anyone's upper chest or shoulders. Even if you're hesitant, you've got nothing to fear. Except for maybe the trips to the lingerie store.
4. Perpetual pedicure
If a bra seems like it's too much, perhaps it's time to go a bit lower? Keep your toenails in tip-top shape the entire year. Make sure they're polished at least 24 days per month (keep in mind that darker pigments can lead to discoloration, so you may want to just go clear and shiny every once and a while). By the time you get to summer, you might be so disappointed no one gets to see your handiwork that you'll want to wear sandals just to show off!
As with most resolutions, it's best to set a schedule so that you develop a routine you can follow (for example, make Sunday pedicure day where you clean up and apply a fresh, new color).
Remember that your resolution should push your boundaries but not exceed them. If it's a resolution you can't keep it's not much of a resolution. Cutting out sugary drinks or only cumming once per week are good budget resolutions any sissy can do without worry.
Time to get out there and show your resolve to be a better, beautiful sissy in 2014!