Truth: Have you ever gone outside fully dressed like a girl?

Your inner girl certainly deserves to feel the wind whipping through her hair (or rustling underneath her skirt), so hopefully you've gone outside dressed to the hilt (or garter, as the case may be). If you've never gone out is it simple fear? There's no reason to be a cowardly sissy - women are strong, proud and courageous and you should be, too. Think about how you could get out and about like a girl - even if it's slipping out through the garage your night.
Dare: I dare you to step outside in daylight wearing a skirt.
Skirts are quintessential feminine articles. Men may wear kilts, but only sissies and women wear skirts. And only real women and devoted girls-to-be go outside wearing skirts.

The first step is always hardest, so after you've gone with a skirt it may be the perfect time to go a bit further with something else. Maybe you could go shopping with a well made-up feminine face...
Got out there and get 'em, girl!