Art class - a perfect time to express your femininity and for you to stop hiding behind your pathetic, transparent attempts at being "masculine".
Obviously we'll need some art supplies. To start with, you'll need a marker or a printer, some paper and a scissors (or something else to cut paper). Heavier stock paper will work better in the long run.
Now either print the image below or draw a suitably feminine shape of your own (none of that "unisex" bullshit for you to try to veil the fact that you're a sissy). You'll only need one shape, but you'll be cutting it out, so don't do anything too fancy.

Make it about 3.5 centimeter (1.5 inches) tall. This is pretty small, but if you make a mistake start over - the shape had better be fucking spot on once you're done. Plenty of opportunity to give your nimble, feminine hands working.
Now that you have your design make sure it stays perfectly flat. You wrinkle it or fold it and you'd damn well make a new one, sissy. Carefully write your name on it so people will know whose it is. Then just leave it sit out somewhere safe and out of the way.
After it has had some suitable public appreciation we'll get started with the next part. Make sure you have some glue or you know how to make papier maché paste.
The summer is young sissy. I'm going to make sure we've gotten those misplaced ideas that you're anything but a sissy out of your head soon enough.